Welcome to rapyuta.io CLI documentation!

The rapyuta.io CLI (aka riocli) exposes features of Rapyuta.io platform on the command-line.

The application is written in Python 3 and it is distributed through PyPI for Python 3 environments.


Installing the AppImage

You can install the latest AppImage on your Linux systems using the following command.

curl -fSsL https://cli.rapyuta.io/install.sh | bash

Installing via pip

Alternatively, you can install the CLI using pip.

pip install rapyuta-io-cli

On Unix-like systems it places the rio executable in the user’s PATH. On Windows it places the rio.exe in the centralized Scripts directory which should be in the user’s PATH.

Installing from source

To install the CLI from source, you can use the setup.py script directly. Clone the repository and from the root of the directory, run the following command.

git clone git@github.com:rapyuta-robotics/rapyuta-io-cli.git
cd rapyuta-io-cli
python setup.py install

Getting Started

To begin using the CLI, it must be authenticated with rapyuta.io.

rio auth login

The email and password can either be given through flags (for scripting purposes) or interactively through the Prompts.


Entering password as a flag is not recommended because it leaves the traces.


Rapyuta CLI has commands for all rapyuta.io resources. You can read more about the sub-commands on there pages:

Indices and tables